Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Waking up Early

   Waking up early is not something that has been part of my life, in fact I've fought it tooth and nail every morning. It was a preposterous idea to get out of bed before it was absolutely necessary. The bed is so cozy with the down comforter and so many pillows, enough pillows for between the knees and pillows for snuggling like it's Zach, even enough for the pillow over the head to please keep the morning light at bay.
   But lately, I've been waking early and a couple of times, after lying in the coziness pretending to sleep, I got up. I made coffee first instead of showering. I drank coffee before showering! I leisurely walked the Hoov, and I made myself a nice breakfast. Today at 7:07 a.m., I blog and have 2 cups of coffee. Shop opens at 9. I will be ready and greet my people without having been rushed, without an unfinished breakfast, properly caffeinated and with a good attitude. Good morning!!
   Literally, good morning! I guess it's taken me nearly 50 years to figure this out. Maybe it's the aging process that has gotten me here, like all the hot flashes that wake me, and the need for less sleep. Thanks aging process! You've given me the gift of good mornings!

Sunday, June 16, 2019



I am sitting here waiting. I've been sitting here waiting for 3 hours. I mean, I could possibly argue that I've been sitting here waiting for 3 1/2 years. If I let myself, I could get really angry and testy and resentful and shitty. But I'm just going to bide my time and amuse myself by being quiet and reading and taking care of little things that need to be taken care of and also by blogging which I haven't done in 7 years. A better way of looking at this waiting is by realizing that I am getting the gift of the unscheduled mind. The I don't have to know what I am doing in the next hour or two or however long. It opens up my world to surprises! Oooh Keith and Melinda were here! They haven't been here since I bought the place. Ooooh I read! Oooh I sewed a button back on! Oooh I talked to my boys and got caught up on their lives! 
Thanks Zach, you give me gifts I need. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blue and Green

Blue and green days are the best. When I wake up in my bed I can see the sky and the tops of the trees outside my window and when it's blue sky and green trees and golden sunshine it means the world is balanced. Evidence of balance. Evidence of yin and yang. And that's a lovely way to re-greet the world. It's an explanation of the world. It's something to be reassured by. 
I found this song today. The connection was blue and green and the message is the same. Reassurance.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Specific Moments in Time

Yesterday I revisited a specific moment in time. And I only had a moment to revisit it, but there I was again. I had the feeling and the clarity and the wonderment. And I had a smile. It was a different smile, one of gratitude.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Sunday

Today was kind of a different Sunday. Spent a little more time around the house. I did my spring PORGH cleaning and that always makes me feel great. I love that Porgh of mine. I love outside. I always feel the most comfortable, the most grounded the most secure when I am outside being a part of the living world. It's like a breath of fresh air. A silent deep connection. Shhhhh. Listen.
I don't know why I forget that it's essential.
Today I remembed. Today I had blue skies.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hangin wit ma boyz

Nowadays if I want to spend some time with my boys I have to go up to their portion of the house which is the entire upstairs. It generally entails listening to rap music, watching a portion of Family guy, learning the details of the latest xbox sport-of-the-season tournament, or cringing at a wrestling match that involves cursing and more violence than I am comfortable with. But, ya know, whatever it takes....